I am going to do a little more with multiplication, of getting students to see the arrays (rows and columns) as 2+2+2 is this same as 3 x 2. We are still going to work on subtraction practice--two and three digits. Also, there will be more writing the next few weeks, emphasizing a strong beginning with great word choices. There will be homework still, but not nearly as much as the evenings are being filled with many outdoor activities. I understand family time.
We will be studying Native Americans starting May 6th. There will be several activities and craft projects, done at school. Also, there will be a few art projects relating to story books I have read to the students. One book is called Giraffes Don't Dance, which shows students that every one finds his/her way to do something, not always the way everyone else does. Those paintings will be up for the Art Show during the Arnold School Play. Hope you will have time to look at the artwork on display.