This week marks the end of the first grading period. I will be giving your students some tests to see what they have learned Monday-Wednesday. I will be reading the tests aloud. The test scores will be figured in with the daily scores as well as participation and effort. We did review Thursday and Friday. So I am sure they will have success on the tests!
Report cards will come out on Tuesday, October 16th, according to Mr. Chai. With the report cards is an explaination of what the score means. As a parent, of course, we want to see our child shine with high marks. This year's 4 means that your child goes above and beyond what is expected. As a beginning 2nd grader, your child is still working ordinarily. How they do on daily work is only part of the picture.
Here is an explanation of the Markings you will see on your child's report card:
Students will be working toward mastery of all skills during the year. Both formal and informal assessments will be used to determine mastery. Student samples, project-based learning, and teacher observations may be part of the evaluation process.
4= Exceeds the Standard (Advanced) Student takes the initiative; consistently produces excellent work, applying skills/concepts correctly; shows creativity and insight.
3=Meets the Standard (Proficient) Student produces work that meets the standard; consistently produces work of high quality; applies skills/concepts correctly.
2=Approaches the Standard (Basic) Student shows a basic working knowledge of skills/concepts; produces satisfactory work; inconsistently applies skills/concepts correctly.
1=Does not meet the Standard (Below Basic) Student does not show basic working knowledge of skills/concepts; seldom produces work of satisfactory quality.