Our planting of the lima beans was successful! Your child should have come home with theirs on Friday. I felt it was a success as I used a different technique than I used in past years. This year I found using a CD case would prevent all the molding and rot caused by the "plastic bag and paper towel" method. The kids were extremely excited when the first leaf popped out! If you would like to plant the seedling in the ground to help your child's plant continue to grow, feel free to do that. Please let us know how the plant grows and changes. I am not sure it will produce any lima beans for you, but it's worth a try!
We are talking about life cycles. Last week was a plant. Monday will be about a chicken. Tuesday will be a butterfly's life cycle. This leads into our lessons of Environment and Habitats. At the end of this week, your child will be given the assignment of creating a known habitat, using a small box or shoebox. The students will then talk about the habitat they decided to make. At end, all the habitats from all four 2nd grade classes will have their habitats on display.
It's a fun time in 2nd grade. Be sure to ask your child about what they are learning. Please encourage daily reading at home for at least 10 minutes. Your child will also start writing information in the planners. Be looking for that each day with my signature.
Thanks for being part of the team for your child's education!!!! We want the best for your child!